Shortly after his birth, H.E. Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche was recognized as the 14 th incarnation of the great terton Ratag Pelsang (also known as Karma Lekshe Drayang). The rinpoche has attained supernatural powers. He is able to gain control over his mind and directly see past, present, and future lives. As soon as he saw H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III while in a meditative state of supernatural powers, he wrote a letter to the United International World Buddhism Headquarters in which he and stated that the main content of A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma is the 84,000 dharma methods. His letter also stated that such book contains the limitless state of knowledge resulting from the two dharmas of realization and enlightenment.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received Congratulatory Letter from H.E. Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche |
United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters:
The great terton Urgyen Xirao, Achuk Jamyang Lungdok Rinpoche, Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, and many other eminent monastics and persons of great virtue have recognized Buddha Vajradhara III Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, the supreme Buddha. The book A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma about the personal accomplishments of H.H. Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, the main content of which is the 84,000 dharma methods, has majestically brightened the treasury of Buddha-dharma. The content of that book contains the limitless state of knowledge resulting from the two dharmas of realization and enlightenment. Thus, I offer my congratulations because A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma is the wish-fulfilling true dharma that the Buddha expounded. This true dharma will flow through Jambudvipa for countless eons, like the great and ever-rolling Ganges River, and will wash away the source of ignorance that is in the minds of sentient beings in the three spheres.
Finally, may H.H. Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu forever live in the world, pervasively spread the dharma, and continue to benefit and bring happiness to living beings. May His Holiness quickly realize His great aspiration that all living beings become Buddhas!
I hereby specially convey my respectful congratulations!
Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche
Written on the auspicious day of Nov. 7, 2007
H.E. Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche was born in 1942 on the eighth day of the ninth month of the Tibetan calendar near the town of Palpung in the Derge District of Dhokam in Eastern Tibet. His mother Rinchen Choedon was a descendent of the Drikung Kagyu sect. His father was a descendent of the great Surche lineage, which is one of the three great early sects of esoteric Buddhism. Shortly after the rinpoche was born, he was recognized as the 14th reincarnation of the great terton Ratag Pelsang (or Karma Lekshe Drayang). The first Ratag Pelsang received special blessings from Guru Padmasambhava, Panchen Bima Mita Pandita, and other great virtuous ones.
The rinpoche received formal education on the five major treatises as he grew up. In addition, he received teachings from many great masters and attained mastery of the healing vidya. He offered treatments to people to save their lives. The rinpoche has been living in the area near the northeast border of India after he arrived there in 1960. He once lived in Jang Chup Choeling Monastery, where he received initiations, transmissions of dharma, and explanations of scriptures from numerous masters of different Buddhist sects. He mastered all these fields and implemented them in his daily life to manifest incredible powers.
The rinpoche has attained supernatural powers and is especially proficient in the practice of Khatag Trekchod and Lhundrup. He is able to gain control over his mind and see past, present, and future lives. He has manifested his level of realization by leaving his footprints on rocks, making knots of swords and needles in order to treat patients or tame devils, and causing nectar to run down from tormas. The rinpoche has revealed many termas (hidden treasures), including a very important text called the Drag Nyag Gongter. This text explains the essential dharma of Phurba Vajra. The rinpoche is able to communicate directly with non-humans such as nagas, devas, demi-gods and local spririts. He is a great rinpoche with powers to subdue demonic forces and is able to communicate with divine spirits and non-humans. The rinpoche has also mastered the study of astrology. As soon as he saw H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III while in his meditative state of supernatural powers, he wrote a letter to the United International World Buddhism Headquarters and stated, “the main content of [A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma] is the 84,000 dharma methods...[it] contains the limitless state of knowledge resulting from the two dharmas of realization and enlightenment.”